1. The day in the middle of the season when we all beat our 1-mile run times as well as our 2.5-mile times. (Beating our times during preseason gave a great sense of accomplishment too)
2. Receiving “Bobo Awards” at the last practice of the season
3. The 9-hour van rides with Coach Meg and Coach Wagner to Hilton Head, SC for our spring break trip
4. Our first goals scored
5. The scavenger hunt in Hilton Head
6. A group of 5 of us cramming in to Morgan’s room for a sleep over the night before we left for Hilton Head since we had to wake up so early the next morning
7. Courtney, Melanie, Jess Andersen and Nushaa Kaz driving 66 miles to Charlottesville to get Dunkin Donuts coffee and donuts (since that’s the closest one)
8. Decorating Coach Wagner’s car and apartment door for her birthday
9. The time when Samie was going to goal and her ball dropped out of her stick and she caught it with her chin and kept running
10. Our win against North Carolina Wesleyen
Looking back at all these moments makes us very excited to create new memories as we enter the second year of our college career. We’ve all been working hard this summer to make sure we have a successful next season. For our summer workout we run, we do arm and ab workouts and most importantly we work on our stick skills. We are very excited to have the incoming first years on our team because they are going to be a great addition to our family. Having a year of experience as a Randolph lacrosse player, we know to expect a lot of hardwork and intense times, but we have a lot of support from everyone on the team including Coach Wagner and Coach Meg because we’re all a big family. The solid 11 of us are a strong group of girls who are willing to put in a lot of effort on the field and off. The three of us can tell you that good things are going to happen this season, and we can guarantee you all of the other girls on the team would agree.
-Courtney Kellogg, Samie Maggard, Melanie Eisele
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